Mobile: 857.615.0836

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Volunteer to elect Sandro Pansini Souza as Saugus Selectman!

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What Inspires Sandro to Do This?


Bridging Generations for a Brighter Saugus

The most successful and promising candidate.

Sandro Pansini Souza intends to focus on:

1. Infrastructure and Development

2. Budget and Spending

3. Community Engagement

4. Environmental Stewardship

5. Economic Growth and Business

Learn about Sandro’s vision

and the issues he’ll Fight for as Saugus Selectman:

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Volunteer for the Campaign


We are in this race to win it!.

But only if we stand united, together we can make history. We need you to be a part of it. Join us now!

Upcoming Events

 See your candidate in

Saugus, MA

on September 1st

Upcoming Events

 See your candidate in

Saugus, MA

on September 1st

Upcoming Events

 See your candidate in

Saugus, MA

on September 1st

Hurry Up

The clock is ticking, so hurry up to make your contribution into building a better Saugus for ourself and our kids!


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